Amaru (a-ma-ru):
The regeneration of life;
the creative power of Earth, Mother Nature and Humankind
The legend of Amaru guides us through the process of transformation and renewal.
Encouraging us to look inside and leave behind our old selves so we can emerge as a more balanced and harmonious self.

I tried Rhea’s facial oil about a year ago on a whim, when I met her at the farmers market. It’s now one of my favorite things as part of my skin care routine. This oil is the best! It’s so hydrating and I love the way it smells. I’m so glad I tried this and will never be without it!
Samantha, Los Angeles
These products were made with so much love and incredible energy which you can definitely feel! I’ve tried a bunch of Rhea’s products already and the witches rose scent is just so so special. Healing but also invigorating. Brought the witches rose fragrance oil to Florida for my family and they’re all completely hooked. Helped us all breathe a little deeper while going through a loss. Will always buy more!
Christina, Los Angeles
My husband and I met you (Rhea) last month at the Mill Valley Lumber Yard market and got your last Rose Face + Body oil. Oh my gosh, I LOVE it! This is coming from a girl who has tried a lot of various body oils/lotions/creams. It’s probably the energetic element, but I can’t wait for you (Rhea) to brew some more, and I’ll be first in line to stock up.
Shirley, Mill Valley